Stressed out by school, parents, friends, breakups, hookups? Worried about getting into Chicago high school or college? Cramming for finals? Crazy highs and wicked lows? Feeling alone or lost? You name it. You’ve got a lot going on in your life right now.
There is a solution. Did you know that your breath is directly connected to your nervous system and impacts your digestion, anxiety, stress, sleep and memory? You have a super power ready for activation within you at any moment.
Join us for this two-hour, teens-only workshop on how to reduce stress and enjoy life a whole lot more. You’ll learn how to recognize stress in your body before it is too late, power your productivity, resiliency and focus, and manage outbursts of anger, sadness and panic. Through the science of breath, meditation and mindfulness, we’ll practice ways for you reduce cortisol levels and strengthen the neural pathways leading to the best YOU. Use your own body to create a life that is healthier and more peaceful, even if the world outside is still crazy. Come with an open mind. Leave with a smiling heart.
Led by Ashley Nelson and M.L. Wahlfeldt
Cost: $60.00
Recommended ages 12-18
Wear casual, comfortable clothes to move, sit and breathe
Questions? Email: ashley@inseus.com Phone: 312 513 4006